Oyster mushroom - Pleurotus ostreatus is a delicious edible mushrooms and excellent supplementary medicinal products. As a fungus that strengthens the immune system for centuries the Chinese used it, and at the end of the last century began to be used in Europe. The nature of the oyster mushroom grows in bunches or groups, in cold weather, a dead tree, often deciduous. It is a fungus asymmetrical shape, smooth or hats with eccentrically placed lateral grip, which has its fans are ready to overcome various obstacles to get to the tasty morsel.
Aquaculture species are certainly the most popular and most commonly used in the market are just around the mushrooms.
The Chinese have is used to relieve pain and relax muscles. In addition, it was used in healing lumbago, stiffness of limbs and tendons, as well as for treatment of poor circulation. The recommended dosage for treatment is three to nine grams of dried oyster mushrooms in a day.
Mushrooms are grown on the raw materials that are poorly usable for other purposes. They can be produced throughout the year on a relatively small area in a short production cycle. To prepare the breeding culture media most commonly used cereal straw, for example. wheat and rye, which would otherwise be burned or plowed.
After growing oyster prorašteni substrate in some countries used as animal feed. In addition to cereal straw for mushroom cultivation can be used and chaff, corn, leaves, sawdust, waste paper and wood otpaci.Ciklus oyster breeding cycle is shorter than the cultivation of mushrooms. Until the advent of the first brood gets you a full month, and the expected yield is approximately 50% of the weight of the dry mass. The nature of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) grows on the trunks, pulled down trees and pieces of wood that remain after harvesting. The first attempts were growing on wood. This method has been successfully breeding and use. In recent years, oyster mushrooms are grown on agricultural by-products, eg. straw of various grains pomiješanoj with different proportions of maize, hay, stubble, sawdust and the like. On such surfaces breeding cycle lasts two to three months at most.
Oyster mushrooms can be grown in closed, partially closed and open but covered areas. City farming must be protected from rain, strong wind and direct sunlight. It must be ensured a constant high humidity, good ventilation and a 12-hour lighting. Straw used for the preparation of the substrate must be sound, golden-yellow color and a dry stalk. Substrate can be added to the hay (10-30%), corn oklasci (25-75%), corn (25-50%) or soybean or pea straw (10-30%). Addition of hay in the culture medium increases the yield by about 20% and reduces the onset of green mold on the substrate. All raw materials used as growth media must be well chopped. ImageCultivation of oyster mushrooms on straw will provide healthy food and take advantage of breaks that would otherwise be burned or plowed.
Oyster mushroom spawn nasađivat will be chipped on barley or wheat straw. Before plating substrate mycelium will be sterilized in boiling temperature of 100 deg. C for half an hour in order to kill micro-organisms and then kept cool as the temperature of the 33 century. C kills the oyster mushroom spawn.
Sterilized substrate (100 kg) is added to the mycelium (5 liters). in layers. The mixture is placed in a plastic bag is 45 x 90 cm and to match the substrate layer, a layer of mycelium and so to the top of the bag. The bags are for drill ventilation holes 15-20 mm in diameter at a distance of twenty centimeters. Bags are placed in a darkened room temperature in 22 century. C. After about three weeks bags are almost completely proraštene and moved into the room to grow. In these areas must be provided 12-hour light and humidity 90-95% when the harvest is cut close to a bunch of the surface on which it has grown. After 10-15 days you will be a new oyster. You can have three harvests, after which the substrate is exhausted.
phase growns
When oyster farming in Phase growns must meet only one condition. Heat breeding area should be 24 ° C. If the heat of breeding facilities will result in lower yield reduction. This occurs because the oyster is not the optimal amount of nutrients accumulated in gljivači (Mitchell) needed for abundant fruiting in the next phase. Oyster mushrooms well invading the lower surface and the heat of 10-20 ° C and apparently everything is fine, but then plodonosi weaker than expected. The reason is that the enzymes released into the oyster mushroom substrate in order to digest it could not work on these lower heat well and fungus can accumulate the necessary amount of nutrients to plodonosila abundantly. Therefore, during the winter should not skimp on heating because we will be optimally heated oyster repay a high yield. During growns not good nor allow the breeding and spread the heat rises above 30 ° C. At such a high heat substrate enzymes break down very quickly, and an intense heat inside the bag, which ultimately result in the death or absence gljivače and sharp drop in yields.
The 30 m2 could well accommodate a maximum of 400 sacks with the substrate on which fungi grow. The 50 m2, about 800 bags, 100 m2 to about 1600 bags.
Oyster mushroom - Pleurotus ostreatus is a delicious edible mushrooms and excellent supplementary medicinal products. As a fungus that strengthens the immune system for centuries the Chinese used it, and at the end of the last century began to be used in Europe. The nature of the oyster mushroom grows in bunches or groups, in cold weather, a dead tree, often deciduous. It is a fungus asymmetrical shape, smooth or hats with eccentrically placed lateral grip, which has its fans are ready to overcome various obstacles to get to the tasty morsel.
Aquaculture species are certainly the most popular and most commonly used in the market are just around the mushrooms.
The Chinese have is used to relieve pain and relax muscles. In addition, it was used in healing lumbago, stiffness of limbs and tendons, as well as for treatment of poor circulation. The recommended dosage for treatment is three to nine grams of dried oyster mushrooms in a day.
Mushrooms are grown on the raw materials that are poorly usable for other purposes. They can be produced throughout the year on a relatively small area in a short production cycle. To prepare the breeding culture media most commonly used cereal straw, for example. wheat and rye, which would otherwise be burned or plowed.
After growing oyster prorašteni substrate in some countries used as animal feed. In addition to cereal straw for mushroom cultivation can be used and chaff, corn, leaves, sawdust, waste paper and wood otpaci.Ciklus oyster breeding cycle is shorter than the cultivation of mushrooms. Until the advent of the first brood gets you a full month, and the expected yield is approximately 50% of the weight of the dry mass. The nature of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) grows on the trunks, pulled down trees and pieces of wood that remain after harvesting. The first attempts were growing on wood. This method has been successfully breeding and use. In recent years, oyster mushrooms are grown on agricultural by-products, eg. straw of various grains pomiješanoj with different proportions of maize, hay, stubble, sawdust and the like. On such surfaces breeding cycle lasts two to three months at most.
Oyster mushrooms can be grown in closed, partially closed and open but covered areas. City farming must be protected from rain, strong wind and direct sunlight. It must be ensured a constant high humidity, good ventilation and a 12-hour lighting. Straw used for the preparation of the substrate must be sound, golden-yellow color and a dry stalk. Substrate can be added to the hay (10-30%), corn oklasci (25-75%), corn (25-50%) or soybean or pea straw (10-30%). Addition of hay in the culture medium increases the yield by about 20% and reduces the onset of green mold on the substrate. All raw materials used as growth media must be well chopped. ImageCultivation of oyster mushrooms on straw will provide healthy food and take advantage of breaks that would otherwise be burned or plowed.

Oyster mushroom spawn nasađivat will be chipped on barley or wheat straw. Before plating substrate mycelium will be sterilized in boiling temperature of 100 deg. C for half an hour in order to kill micro-organisms and then kept cool as the temperature of the 33 century. C kills the oyster mushroom spawn.
Sterilized substrate (100 kg) is added to the mycelium (5 liters). in layers. The mixture is placed in a plastic bag is 45 x 90 cm and to match the substrate layer, a layer of mycelium and so to the top of the bag. The bags are for drill ventilation holes 15-20 mm in diameter at a distance of twenty centimeters. Bags are placed in a darkened room temperature in 22 century. C. After about three weeks bags are almost completely proraštene and moved into the room to grow. In these areas must be provided 12-hour light and humidity 90-95% when the harvest is cut close to a bunch of the surface on which it has grown. After 10-15 days you will be a new oyster. You can have three harvests, after which the substrate is exhausted.
phase growns
When oyster farming in Phase growns must meet only one condition. Heat breeding area should be 24 ° C. If the heat of breeding facilities will result in lower yield reduction. This occurs because the oyster is not the optimal amount of nutrients accumulated in gljivači (Mitchell) needed for abundant fruiting in the next phase. Oyster mushrooms well invading the lower surface and the heat of 10-20 ° C and apparently everything is fine, but then plodonosi weaker than expected. The reason is that the enzymes released into the oyster mushroom substrate in order to digest it could not work on these lower heat well and fungus can accumulate the necessary amount of nutrients to plodonosila abundantly. Therefore, during the winter should not skimp on heating because we will be optimally heated oyster repay a high yield. During growns not good nor allow the breeding and spread the heat rises above 30 ° C. At such a high heat substrate enzymes break down very quickly, and an intense heat inside the bag, which ultimately result in the death or absence gljivače and sharp drop in yields.
The 30 m2 could well accommodate a maximum of 400 sacks with the substrate on which fungi grow. The 50 m2, about 800 bags, 100 m2 to about 1600 bags.
Maintenance of space for growing ● in the area for farming must be provided 12-hour lighting and humidity of 90-95% ● humidity is achieved by watering or spraying concrete floor dorsal, hand-held or built-in automatic humidifier. Izbijegavati directly onto bags and fungi that grow ● provide sufficient light (natural or artificial) depends on the surface area ● If there is insufficient natural ventilation is necessary to install two fans. One is placed above the floor 10 cm (eject CO2), the other below the ceiling (for insertion of fresh air). Picking mushrooms ● The first harvest is expected after 4 weeks. Grapes are on average every 7 days or more often if necessary. ● oyster is harvested when the size of Klobuk promejra grow to 10 cm. Bere the whole bush from the roots, leaves nothing on the site. ● Cutting is performed 2 cm below Klobuk ● usual to achieve three harvests |
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