Mushrooms, or as they are called, precious mushrooms are often cultivated mushrooms at home and abroad, and interest in them is expanding. This fungus is hard and white meat Klobuk round because of his noble aroma and mild taste and a number of other features well suited for the preparation of various culinary specialties.
Mushrooms, moreover, are among the few fungi that are widely grown artificially and sold on the market. This fungus is a white color and unique flavor. Preparation options are limitless. They are available year-round, canned or fresh.
For highbred mushrooms - mushrooms can be used cellars, barns, abandoned tunnels and all other spaces in the thick walls that can be used to maintain temperature and humidity required for growing these mushrooms.
To do this in the first stage of mushroom cultivation, the stage of mushroom mycelium invading the compost, it is necessary to achieve a temperature of from 22 - 25 C and this temperature must not vary. It is also at this stage it is necessary to maintain high relative humidity around 90 - 95%.
In the second phase - the phase of growth and fruiting bodies of fungi fruiting, the temperature should drop to 17-18 C, and humidity should be somewhat lower than 95%, and takes place by spraying or watering crops with warm water.
Cultivation of mushrooms in order to succeed, must be satisfied by a number of conditions. First of all to establish a farm must have adequate space that can be heated, ventilated and maintained his impeccable cleanliness. It should then have a good compost and appropriate land the cover as a substrate from which to draw mushroom nutrients for its development. It should ensure regular moisturizing, protection from disease and pests, and proper harvesting and storage fungi.
Growing mushrooms
Compost for cultivation of mushrooms is not an ordinary garden compost, compost way of getting this is not easy, so it is best to buy cash from the manufacturer. Natural compost is derived from horse manure with different accessories, while a synthetic work on the basis of straw with the addition of chicken manure, gypsum, sawdust, superphosphate, potassium sulphate and other substances in a given ratio. Fermented manure must be pasterizirati heat to destroy potential pathogens and pests must be well ventilated so it would be left of ammonia which would damage the development of fungi. More about getting the compost can be found in the script "Mushroom Cultivation"
Start of breeding
Before entering the compost uzgajilište, the area must be cleaned and disinfected.The temperature in uzgajilištu is set depending on the age godišnjm and outside temperature.
Inserting compostWhen stacking the shelves of compost, briquettes should be little distraction as compost isprešao during transport. After loading, uzajalište should be cleaned and washed. After that, you open the foil on top and allow release of excess gases. Ifthe temperature in the compost is high (> 30 º C, summer period), it is necessary to cool the farm
Incubation - growns mycelium through the compost
At this stage the most important breeding the temperature in the compost. It would not be allowed to exceed 26-27 ° C, because it leads to a reduction in yield, and occurrence of certain diseases.They provide optimal conditions on the farm, will spawn a completely invading the compost within 12 to 14 days. This process can be longer due to end in 20 days, depending on the quality of compost as well as creating conditions on the farm
PARAMETERS VALUE OF EXCEPTIONroom temperature 18-21 º C 19-23 º Ccompost temperature 22-27 º C 23-28 º Chumidity = 80% 80 - 85%CO2 0.7% - 2.0% 1.0 - 3.0%
remarkThe scale and character of a good compost is the temperature difference from the compost after a few days make the temperature of air in the farm.In the unlikely event that the temperature rise sharply in the compost, you should first try to reduce the temperature by watering the floor and walls, including ventilation systems, indoor air recirculation and finally turning the cooling system. It should be noted thatin this period is not desirable insertion of fresh air for maintaining the concentration of CO2. Each sudden and large changes in temperature of compost at this stage will have consequences on the final outcome, ie. on yield.
Application of coverThe cover is placed on the surface of the compost, or 8 liters per briquette 5cm thick. The entire surface must be covered briquettes cover, especially corners. The cover is not pressure, but only a flat upper surface of the compost.
Description and origin
Man has always been involved collecting mushrooms to eat. In ancient Chinese civilization and culture of mushrooms are prized for 7000 years, and the ancient Romans were known dishes from mushrooms. In Asian countries used in the diet and treatment for thousands of years. In the old days people thought it was food of the gods, perhaps they are caused by lightning, as they appeared over night, after the storm.
Mushrooms, like other fungi, due to its spongy structure in the water is not Peru, but are deleted with a damp cloth or paper towel.
Mushrooms are one of the most popular edible mushroom species, characteristic odor and taste, which is becoming more prevalent in the daily diet. The real mushrooms are a regular, hemispherical bubble, white-gray to brownish in color. In nature they are found from May to October on gnojenim meadows, pastures, meadows, forest and so on. Mushrooms, moreover, are among the few fungi that are widely grown artificially and sold on the market. This fungus is a white color and unique flavor. Preparation options are limitless. They are available year-round, canned or fresh.
Indoor youngest mushrooms are a type of mushroom, milky white in color and are picked very early in development. Flavor is not as expressive as it was not enough time to mature, and are used alone or in combination with their excellent crispy tissue prominent. Mushrooms with closed hat looks can scarcely be distinguished from those with undeveloped hat, but their flavor is pronounced.
Semi mushrooms are in advanced stages of development and can be open or closed caps.
Open mushrooms are among the most mature and common mushrooms are more intense flavor. Because of its exposed uvelih Klobuk and brown leaves, many of them unattractive, but despite that, it would be wrong to let their appearance interferes with their great spicy potential. These are mature mushrooms, whose flavor is fully developed.
Brown mushroomsThis dark brown species of mushrooms with a free hat has a pleasant taste and can improve the taste of food.
Growing mushrooms
For the cultivation of mushrooms or mushroom noble serve cellars, barns, abandoned tunnels and all other spaces in the thick walls that can maintain temperature and humidity required for growing these mushrooms.
To do this in the first stage of mushroom cultivation - the stage of mushroom mycelium invading the compost it is necessary to achieve the temperature from 22 - 25 C and this temperature must not vary. It is also necessary at this stage to maintain high relative air humidity around 90-95 percent.
In the second phase - the phase of growth and fruiting bodies of fungi fruiting, the temperature should drop to 17-18 C and air humidity should be somewhat lower than 95 percent, and takes place by spraying or watering crops with warm water.
As the temperature and humidity for certain phases of breeding are not the same, it's best to edit it gljivarnik to be divided into two rooms. Production should be set to be in one room and incubation takes place while the substrate growns simultaneously in another where they are located but proraštene bags with compost or compost prorašteni shelf - place fruiting. This will extend the harvest and ensure continuous fruiting, so you constantly have mushrooms for placing on the market.
Farm must have the possibility of ventilation especially if space is overcrowded.It should also be noted that for the successful production of mushrooms requires a complete cleaning rooms. Therefore, the inner walls and floor and ceiling of the farm, should be smooth so that they can more easily washed and has treated, and all windows and other openings must be protected by dense networks of both flies and other pests can not enter the farm.
If someone knows something about growing mushrooms or other types of mushrooms some articles.
Mushrooms, or as they are called, precious mushrooms are often cultivated mushrooms at home and abroad, and interest in them is expanding. This fungus is hard and white meat Klobuk round because of his noble aroma and mild taste and a number of other features well suited for the preparation of various culinary specialties.
Mushrooms, moreover, are among the few fungi that are widely grown artificially and sold on the market. This fungus is a white color and unique flavor. Preparation options are limitless. They are available year-round, canned or fresh.
For highbred mushrooms - mushrooms can be used cellars, barns, abandoned tunnels and all other spaces in the thick walls that can be used to maintain temperature and humidity required for growing these mushrooms.
To do this in the first stage of mushroom cultivation, the stage of mushroom mycelium invading the compost, it is necessary to achieve a temperature of from 22 - 25 C and this temperature must not vary. It is also at this stage it is necessary to maintain high relative humidity around 90 - 95%.
In the second phase - the phase of growth and fruiting bodies of fungi fruiting, the temperature should drop to 17-18 C, and humidity should be somewhat lower than 95%, and takes place by spraying or watering crops with warm water.
Cultivation of mushrooms in order to succeed, must be satisfied by a number of conditions. First of all to establish a farm must have adequate space that can be heated, ventilated and maintained his impeccable cleanliness. It should then have a good compost and appropriate land the cover as a substrate from which to draw mushroom nutrients for its development. It should ensure regular moisturizing, protection from disease and pests, and proper harvesting and storage fungi.
Growing mushrooms
Compost for cultivation of mushrooms is not an ordinary garden compost, compost way of getting this is not easy, so it is best to buy cash from the manufacturer. Natural compost is derived from horse manure with different accessories, while a synthetic work on the basis of straw with the addition of chicken manure, gypsum, sawdust, superphosphate, potassium sulphate and other substances in a given ratio. Fermented manure must be pasterizirati heat to destroy potential pathogens and pests must be well ventilated so it would be left of ammonia which would damage the development of fungi. More about getting the compost can be found in the script "Mushroom Cultivation"
Start of breeding
Before entering the compost uzgajilište, the area must be cleaned and disinfected.The temperature in uzgajilištu is set depending on the age godišnjm and outside temperature.
Inserting compostWhen stacking the shelves of compost, briquettes should be little distraction as compost isprešao during transport. After loading, uzajalište should be cleaned and washed. After that, you open the foil on top and allow release of excess gases. Ifthe temperature in the compost is high (> 30 º C, summer period), it is necessary to cool the farm
Incubation - growns mycelium through the compost
At this stage the most important breeding the temperature in the compost. It would not be allowed to exceed 26-27 ° C, because it leads to a reduction in yield, and occurrence of certain diseases.They provide optimal conditions on the farm, will spawn a completely invading the compost within 12 to 14 days. This process can be longer due to end in 20 days, depending on the quality of compost as well as creating conditions on the farm
PARAMETERS VALUE OF EXCEPTIONroom temperature 18-21 º C 19-23 º Ccompost temperature 22-27 º C 23-28 º Chumidity = 80% 80 - 85%CO2 0.7% - 2.0% 1.0 - 3.0%
remarkThe scale and character of a good compost is the temperature difference from the compost after a few days make the temperature of air in the farm.In the unlikely event that the temperature rise sharply in the compost, you should first try to reduce the temperature by watering the floor and walls, including ventilation systems, indoor air recirculation and finally turning the cooling system. It should be noted thatin this period is not desirable insertion of fresh air for maintaining the concentration of CO2. Each sudden and large changes in temperature of compost at this stage will have consequences on the final outcome, ie. on yield.
Application of coverThe cover is placed on the surface of the compost, or 8 liters per briquette 5cm thick. The entire surface must be covered briquettes cover, especially corners. The cover is not pressure, but only a flat upper surface of the compost.
Description and origin
Man has always been involved collecting mushrooms to eat. In ancient Chinese civilization and culture of mushrooms are prized for 7000 years, and the ancient Romans were known dishes from mushrooms. In Asian countries used in the diet and treatment for thousands of years. In the old days people thought it was food of the gods, perhaps they are caused by lightning, as they appeared over night, after the storm.
Mushrooms, like other fungi, due to its spongy structure in the water is not Peru, but are deleted with a damp cloth or paper towel.
Mushrooms are one of the most popular edible mushroom species, characteristic odor and taste, which is becoming more prevalent in the daily diet. The real mushrooms are a regular, hemispherical bubble, white-gray to brownish in color. In nature they are found from May to October on gnojenim meadows, pastures, meadows, forest and so on. Mushrooms, moreover, are among the few fungi that are widely grown artificially and sold on the market. This fungus is a white color and unique flavor. Preparation options are limitless. They are available year-round, canned or fresh.
Indoor youngest mushrooms are a type of mushroom, milky white in color and are picked very early in development. Flavor is not as expressive as it was not enough time to mature, and are used alone or in combination with their excellent crispy tissue prominent. Mushrooms with closed hat looks can scarcely be distinguished from those with undeveloped hat, but their flavor is pronounced.
Semi mushrooms are in advanced stages of development and can be open or closed caps.
Open mushrooms are among the most mature and common mushrooms are more intense flavor. Because of its exposed uvelih Klobuk and brown leaves, many of them unattractive, but despite that, it would be wrong to let their appearance interferes with their great spicy potential. These are mature mushrooms, whose flavor is fully developed.
Brown mushroomsThis dark brown species of mushrooms with a free hat has a pleasant taste and can improve the taste of food.
Growing mushrooms
For the cultivation of mushrooms or mushroom noble serve cellars, barns, abandoned tunnels and all other spaces in the thick walls that can maintain temperature and humidity required for growing these mushrooms.
To do this in the first stage of mushroom cultivation - the stage of mushroom mycelium invading the compost it is necessary to achieve the temperature from 22 - 25 C and this temperature must not vary. It is also necessary at this stage to maintain high relative air humidity around 90-95 percent.
In the second phase - the phase of growth and fruiting bodies of fungi fruiting, the temperature should drop to 17-18 C and air humidity should be somewhat lower than 95 percent, and takes place by spraying or watering crops with warm water.
As the temperature and humidity for certain phases of breeding are not the same, it's best to edit it gljivarnik to be divided into two rooms. Production should be set to be in one room and incubation takes place while the substrate growns simultaneously in another where they are located but proraštene bags with compost or compost prorašteni shelf - place fruiting. This will extend the harvest and ensure continuous fruiting, so you constantly have mushrooms for placing on the market.
Farm must have the possibility of ventilation especially if space is overcrowded.It should also be noted that for the successful production of mushrooms requires a complete cleaning rooms. Therefore, the inner walls and floor and ceiling of the farm, should be smooth so that they can more easily washed and has treated, and all windows and other openings must be protected by dense networks of both flies and other pests can not enter the farm.
If someone knows something about growing mushrooms or other types of mushrooms some articles.